St. Philomena School Students Recognized

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St. Philomena School Students Recognized

St. Philomena School Students Recognized

Posted by spadmin

Each year, the Central Illinois Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) honors donors, volunteers and fundraising executives whose gifts of time, expertise and resources contribute significantly to the success of the non‐profit agencies and institutions they serve. They refer to this as National Philanthropy Day. The 2019 recognition luncheon was November 13. St. Philomena School student body was this year’s recipient of the award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, Ages 5-17. Our school received letters of recommendation in support of our nomination from professionals at Phoenix Community Development Services, Sophia’s Kitchen, Buehler Home, and the Homeless Liaison for the Illinois State Board of Education. We are very proud of our students and staff and their commitment to serving our community. Thank you to AFP for this amazing honor and to all who supported our nomination. 

To read our letters of support from Phoenix click here, and from Sophia’s Kitchen, Buehler Home and ISBE, click here.

Attending the luncheon to accept the award (pictured) are front row: Peyton Jones, Evie Hayes, Grace Best; back row: Mr. Jack Dippold (principal), Mrs. Amanda Draeger (Buehler Home), Mrs. Jodi Peine (retired principal), Mr. Mike Mahoney (Buehler Home) and Fr. David Richardson (pastor).

Parent Night 2: Problem Solving in Social Situations

Parent Night 2: Problem Solving in Social Situations

Posted by spadmin

Join us for our second St. Philomena Parent Night on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  Our topic will be “Teaching Your Child Problem Solving in Social Situations.” We will have wine and cheese, door prizes and takeaways, practicals and discussion. Babysitting will be provided – Please RSVP at  We hope to see you there!

Welcome to Tiger Tales, our new podcast

Welcome to Tiger Tales, our new podcast

Posted by spadmin

Please take some time to listen to our new podcast, Tiger Tales. Each month Mr. Dippold will record a podcast to keep us updated on what is happening on campus, shout outs to our students and staff, curriculum updates, faculty guests and what is happening in education.

Click here to listen to episode 1.

6th Grade Service Project

6th Grade Service Project

Posted by spadmin

The 6th graders from St. Philomena School are reaching out to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to share our time, talent and treasure in service to their families. The hospital is in need of Waiting Room Kits for the kids and Care Bags for their families. They have asked us to collect and package the following items.

Waiting Room Kits: Crayola crayons, markers, colored pencils (small sizes please); stickers and drawing paper; color books with the themes: Superheroes, Action Figures, Animals

Care Bags (travel sizes please): shampoo/conditioner, disposable razors, shaving cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, adult hand lotion, combs/brushes, lip balm, manicure set, earbuds, chap-stick, hair ties,

We will collect items Monday, October 14 through Sunday, October 27. Please put your items in the special, marked collections boxes in the back of church or send to school with your student. Thank you in advance for supporting the St. Jude Kids and their families.

—St. Philomena 6th grade students and teachers, Mrs. Anne Cusack and Mrs. Sue Tony