This week’s eNews: December 19, 2018
19 Dec 2018 | Posted by: chadmin
Our annual Advent Penance Service is tonight, Wednesday, December 19 at 7pm. There will be a very brief time of prayer and reflection led by Fr. David and then several priests will be available to hear confession. You do not have to stay the entire time. Come any time before 8:30pm. Someone will be available to watch your little ones while you go to confession if you need.
Extra reconciliation times this week include Thursday and Friday, from 11am-1pm each day.
Giving Tree Summary Thank you for another successful Giving Tree effort this year. Through the generosity of our families, we assisted 12 St. Philomena families with 180 gifts (22 adults, 38 children). More than fifty items were donated to the Women’s Care Center for their clients and another 55 gifts to the Catholic Charities. The monetary donations to Haiti totaled $3,555 which will feed hundreds of Haitian children.
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Junior high and high school girls, join us for cookies, Christmas music, a craft and fellowship to celebrate Christmas together. Note the shortened time, 6:00-7:30pm gathering the Parish Center Banquet Room on Sunday, December 30. Future monthly dates for Finding Your Fiat will be announced at this gathering. Please sign up and let us know you are coming: https://www.stphils.com/church/faith-formation/women/
As a follow up to our Surviving the Holidays seminar, we will offer a 13-week GriefShare grief recovery seminar beginning on Wednesday, January 9 at 6:30pm. GriefShare is a weekly video seminar featuring some of the nation’s foremost experts on grief recovery topics. Each seminar is combined with small group discussion time to allow group participants to talk about the content of the seminar and how they are dealing with the death of their loved one. For more information or to sign up, go to https://www.stphils.com/church/faith-formation/adult/ or contact the parish office.
Our next Financial Peace University will begin on January 21, 2019. This nine-week series will be held on Monday Nights, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Parish Center Banquet Room. Join us for this Dave Ramsey study led by Brian Winschel. Childcare provided with notice. Send in an inquiry or register by filling out the registration form online at https://www.stphils.com/church/faith-formation/adult/ and someone will follow up with you.
St. Philomena School presents Winter Whimsical 2019, A Celebration of the Arts on Saturday, January 12 in the St. Philomena Parish Center banquet room. Doors open at 5:30pm. Join us for an evening of entertainment provided by some of Peoria’s top performers, such as Cheri Beever, Bryan Blanks, Bruce Colligan, Barb Couri, and Chip Joyce. You might even see a few St. Philomena alumni. Hors d’oeuvres and dessert will be provided and a cash bar will be available. Must be 21 or older to attend. Tickets are $30 each and are on sale at the parish office. All proceeds will benefit the arts at St. Philomena School. This event sold out last year, so don’t delay. Get your tickets today.
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