Tag: vocation

Tiny Tigers Dates Set

Tiny Tigers Dates Set

Posted by chadmin

(August 16, 2022) Our Tiny Tigers group is for moms and their kids (under age 5). It is a place where you can make connections and share life with other moms living out their God-given mission as a wife and mother. Playdates to start us back together will be August 23 & 30, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. on the Rosary...

Pastor’s Letter: August 21, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: August 21, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The August 21 bulletin is now available online.  There is also an insert in that bulletin from Diocese about the Growing Disciples pastoral plan. To see that insert, click here. Dear friend, School started this week. We started with a few partial days to ease into the year. It’s better for the kids and teachers to not start with full...

Pastor’s Letter: May 29

Pastor’s Letter: May 29

Posted by chadmin

The May 29, 2022 bulletin is now available online.  Dear friend, On Saturday, May 21, 2022, Bishop Lou ordained four men to the Transitional Diaconate. They will serve as Deacons for one year and then be ordained priests for the Diocese of Peoria. One of the new deacons is a parishioner at St. Philomena. After his ordination, he served at...


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