Tag: Stewardship

Introducing: MyOwnChurch

Posted by chadmin

Introducing: MyOwnChurch! Our ParishSoft database program allows our parishioners a way to log in to view your family’s profile, update your contact information and view your financial giving history. We  are also able to offer online registration for classes, groups and studies. But first, you need to create a web profile. Go to peoria.parishsoftfamilysuite.com and you should come to the...

Cookbook is coming!

Cookbook is coming!

Posted by chadmin

The St. Philomena PTO is collecting your recipes for our latest St. Philomena cookbook! We’d love to hear from all parishioners! Email your recipes to: Lyndsey Ireland, laireland1@gmail.com. Email is preferred, but there are collection sheets in the parish and school offices as well as in the church. To submit a hard copy, please return it to the parish or...


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