Tag: St. Philomena Church

Pastor’s Letter & September 6 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 6 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September 6 bulletin is online, click here.   Dear friend, The Bible challenges us to take responsibility for what we teach by the way we live. Passages in the Old Testament, as well as words from Jesus, invite us to take personal responsibility. Our responsibility is not to end at ourselves, however. The Bible encourages us to not only...

Pastor’s Letter & August 23 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & August 23 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The August 23 bulletin is now available online. Dear friends, School is off to a great start.  It’s wonderful to hear all the voices on campus again! The kids are just so happy to see each other.  Our principal, Mr. Jack Dippold, our secretaries Mrs. Judy Schmidt and Mrs. Megan Loquist, along with our teachers and staff all did a...

Pastor’s Letter & August 2 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & August 2 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The August 2 bulletin is available online.    July 29, 2020 Dear friends, This past week, our new Coadjutor Bishop, Louis Tylka was ordained a Bishop at St. Mary’s Cathedral. I was blessed to be present at St. Peter’s in Rome when John Paul II ordained several Bishops. It’s truly a beautiful liturgy. The use of oil to consecrate the...


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