Tag: Respect Life

40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life

Posted by chadmin

Each year our parish takes a day to stand vigil at Planned Parenthood, 2709 N Knoxville, Peoria. It is a day for peaceful prayer as we come together during Respect Life month to pray for the safety of the unborn in our country. Please sign up for an hour. Families are welcome. If you'd like to share your hour with...

Novena for Life, May 22-30

Novena for Life, May 22-30

Posted by chadmin

On May 31, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast commemorates the Blessed Mother’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth and the encounter of Jesus and St. John the Baptist while in the wombs of their mothers. Join in praying "A Novena for Life" from May 22-30. For the full novena, click here....

Rice Bowls 2022

Rice Bowls 2022

Posted by chadmin

We will hand out Rice Bowls with the help of the St. Philomena School 7th graders on March 5 & 6, 2022 at Mass and then to our SPS students on March 7. Please take a Rice Bowl and participate in the tradition this Lent. Inside the Rice Bowl is a Lenten Calendar with information, recipes and things you can...


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