Tag: prayer

40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life

Posted by chadmin

Each year our parish takes a day to stand vigil at Planned Parenthood, 2709 N Knoxville, Peoria. It is a day for peaceful prayer as we come together during Respect Life month to pray for the safety of the unborn in our country. Please sign up for an hour. Families are welcome. If you'd like to share your hour with...

Pastor’s Letter: October 9, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: October 9, 2022

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, The first reading from the Second Book of Kings and the Gospel from Luke both involve the healing of lepers. Naaman, an outsider to Israel and a non-Jew, visits Elisha the prophet seeking healing from his leprosy. Naaman’s healing concludes in his profession of faith in the God of Israel, a change of who he worshiped as God,...

Pastor’s Letter: September 4, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: September 4, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The September 4 bulletin is available online.    Dear friend, Throughout the Liturgical year, the Mass the Church celebrates each day is determined by a hierarchy of theological importance. A Holy Day of Obligation ranks as the most important time to attend Mass. There are 5 Precepts of the Catholic Church for one to stay in “good standing” with the...


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