Tag: prayer

Pastor’s Letter: May 8

Pastor’s Letter: May 8

Posted by chadmin

The May 8 bulletin is available online. Dear friend, On this second Sunday in May we have already reached the 4th Sunday in Easter. The fifty days in the Easter Season give us an extended time to reflect on all the many Old and New Testament themes that come to fulfillment in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection proves...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Posted by chadmin

The Diocese of Peoria's Office of Priestly Vocations would like to invite you to celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations with them on May 8, 2022. Please help promote a culture of Vocations within the Diocese of Peoria. A PRAYER FOR SACRED VOCATIONS Heavenly Father, Your divine Son taught us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to...

Divine Mercy Novena

Divine Mercy Novena

Posted by chadmin

On Good Friday, April 15, 2022, we will begin praying the Divine Mercy Novena. Here is information about the novena from thedivinemercy.org "For each of the nine days, our Lord gave Saint Faustina a different intention: "All mankind, especially sinners; the souls of priests and religious; all devout and faithful souls; those who do not believe in God and those...


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