Tag: Mass

Thanksgiving Day Mass

Thanksgiving Day Mass

Posted by chadmin

Mass on Thanksgiving Day will be at 8:00 a.m. and will be livestreamed on our YouTube or Facebook channels. Click the icon for either of these channels at the top of this page. Communion will be distributed after Mass in the parking lot for those who desire. Cars should form the same Communion line as we do on the weekends,...

Pastor’s Letter & September 27 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 27 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September 27 bulletin is now available online.   Dear friend, Jesus speaks some strong warnings to the Jewish religious leadership in Matthew’s Gospel this Sunday. Essentially, he tells the religious leaders that sinners will get to heaven before them. Jesus first verified that the religious leadership understood the notion that actions matter more than a promise made. It is...

Pastor’s Letter & September 13 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 13 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September 13 bulletin is now available online.   Dear friend, As Catholics, we call the Scripture “a living Word” because the truth of revelation speaks anew to us each time we encounter it. Whether spoken or read, the Bible offers us the truth of God that offers guidance to our journey to heaven. God, as a good father, desires...


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