Tag: liturgy

Eucharistic Revival: Walk Through the Mass

Eucharistic Revival: Walk Through the Mass

Posted by chadmin

"Why is the Mass so important? Why do we stand, sit, and kneel at specific times during the Mass? Where did the prayers we say at Mass come from? When does Jesus actually become present in his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity? How do I pray better at Mass? These are just some of the many questions parishioners have asked me through the years....

Pastor’s Letter: June 16, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: June 16, 2024

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, As we return to Ordinary Time in the Church, we quickly hear one of Jesus’ parables this weekend. Jesus spoke in parables, or short stories, to communicate truths and get people to think, while not directly revealing all truths about Himself at once. Like in the Old Testament, God in the New Testament slowly reveals Himself. Mark’s Gospel...

Pastor’s Letter: May 5, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: May 5, 2024

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, This Sunday’s first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, gets at one of the fundamental truths about Christian Revelation. St. Peter was approached by Cornelius who proceeds to bow before St. Peter because of the great works done through Peter’s hands. Peter rejects this reverence ordered toward him, as he identifies himself as a human being like...