Tag: Gospel

Pastor’s Letter: November 6, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: November 6, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The November 6 bulletin is now available online. Dear friend, Saturday, November 12 is our annual school auction. The theme this year is Through the Eye of a Tiger. The auction began as a way to help raise funds to increase teacher salaries. This continues to be the main funding purpose for the auction to support our school. The more...

Pastor’s Letter: October 23, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: October 23, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The October 23 bulletin is available online. Dear friend, One of my favorite messages of the Bible is the first line in the Reading from Sirach this Sunday.  “The Lord is a God of justice, who knows no favorites.” God has no favorites! The reading emphasizes that God is aware of the needs of the widow, the orphan, the weak,...

Pastor’s Letter: October 2, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: October 2, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The October 2 bulletin is now available online.  Dear friend, This weekend I will give the annual parish update at the weekend Masses. I don’t have any significant issues to communicate to the parish in case you are not able to be present this weekend. The parish Finance Council likes to ensure we are providing an overview of the sacramental...


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