Tag: confession

Pastor’s Letter: April 10, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: April 10, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The April 10 bulletin is available online Dear friend, This weekend we enter Holy Week. Everything we celebrate as Christians relates in one way or another to this week. We are encouraged to deeply reflect on His Life, His Death, and His Resurrection. Holy Week represents a culmination to the Lenten journey. Every year, Lent takes on a more significance...

Pastor’s Letter: March 27

Pastor’s Letter: March 27

Posted by chadmin

The March 27 bulletin is available online. Dear friend, This Sunday is Laetare Sunday. The Latin word “laetare” means rejoice. The entrance antiphon for the Mass this Sunday is “Laetare Jerusalem” from the Prophet Isaiah. This is a call to celebrate and rejoice over the love God has for His people. For the liturgy this weekend, the Church allows more...

Pastor’s Letter: March 6

Pastor’s Letter: March 6

Posted by chadmin

The March 6 bulletin is available online. Dear friend, We had a great start to Lent on Ash Wednesday. This season is an intensified time of prayer and reflection on the gift and meaning of life. Lent is an opportunity for us to renew our commitment to God, increase our prayer, and experience the grace of fasting for conversion. Lent...


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