Tag: Communion

Pastor’s Letter: March 17, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: March 17, 2024

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Jesus gives a little lesson on botany in the Gospel reading this weekend. “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground, it remains just a grain of wheat, but if it dies it produces much fruit.” Often called the cycle of life, one aspect of life gives its life for the life of another. Whether this is...

Pastor’s Letter: March 10, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: March 10, 2024

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, This Sunday is Laetare Sunday. The world “laetare” means rejoice. The entrance antiphon for the Mass this Sunday is “Laetare Jerusalem” from the Prophet Isaiah. This is a call to celebrate and rejoice over the love God has for His people. For the liturgy this weekend, the Church allows more festivity than then during the rest of Lent....

Pastor’s Letter: February 25, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: February 25, 2024

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Fr. Luke Spannagel will offer a Lenten Mission at St. Philomena. Fr. Luke lives in the St. Philomena Rectory and serves the Cathedral and downtown parishes. He is one of the National Eucharistic Preachers for the National Eucharistic Revival leading up to the Congress in Indianapolis this summer. In response to the Pew Study that showed doubt among...


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