Tag: clergy

Pastor’s Letter: August 21, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: August 21, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The August 21 bulletin is now available online.  There is also an insert in that bulletin from Diocese about the Growing Disciples pastoral plan. To see that insert, click here. Dear friend, School started this week. We started with a few partial days to ease into the year. It’s better for the kids and teachers to not start with full...

Pastor’s Letter: July 31, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: July 31, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The July 31 bulletin is now available online.  Dear friend, Deacon Daniel Dionesotes will end his summer assignment at St. Philomena after the 11am Mass on Sunday, July 31. All of the seminarians will go on retreat together before a week vacation and a return to seminary. Deacon Daniel attends Mount St. Mary’s seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. After one more...

Pastor’s Letter: July 17

Pastor’s Letter: July 17

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, This week I was with the Junior Clergy of the Diocese of Peoria at the Sacre-Coeur Retreat Center in Henry, Illinois. The Junior Clergy are the Peoria priests ordained ten years or less. I help run a retreat for them each summer and organize some ongoing formation/education. Fr. Brett Brannen was the retreat director this week. He is...


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