Tag: Christian

Pastor’s Letter: December 25, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: December 25, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The December 25 bulletin is available online. Dear friend, Merry Christmas! The miracle of the Incarnation, or the birth of Christ, shows God’s desire to communicate directly with us and to be ever-present. We often find the health of any relationship is dependent on the strength of communication. Christmas is a reminder that God’s communication to us flows through the...

Christmas Novena

Christmas Novena

Posted by chadmin

We will pray the Christmas Novena from December 16-24. The full prayer can be found by clicking here. We also have a Novena email group. Those in the Novena email group receive the prayers for each day in their inbox. If you are not receiving emails as a part of that group but would like to, email parish@stphils.com and request...

Women’s Nights to Begin

Women’s Nights to Begin

Posted by chadmin

(August 16, 2022) We are very excited to announce that starting September 28 our Women's Nights will return. All women of the parish (women of both the church and school) are invited to a night of faith, fellowship and fun. The women gather about five times a year in the evening. Each time there is a theme and often a...


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