Tag: Catholic

Pastor’s Letter: November 27, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: November 27, 2022

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Last weekend, the Diocese had a bulletin insert about the Growing Disciples Pastoral Planning Process. In his first year in the Diocese of Peoria, Bishop Lou noticed some common themes as he traveled the Diocese. In a truly heartfelt way, Bishop Lou listened to the concerns and joys of the clergy and laity of the Diocese. This listening...

Pastor’s Letter: November 13, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: November 13, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The November 13 bulletin is now available online. Dear friend, Special thanks to all who made our annual school auction a success. So many parishioners come together to organize this fund raiser for our school. While the dollars are essential to continuing the excellence in our educational program, the auction is a great community event. A lot of time and...

Women’s Nights to Begin

Women’s Nights to Begin

Posted by chadmin

(August 16, 2022) We are very excited to announce that starting September 28 our Women's Nights will return. All women of the parish (women of both the church and school) are invited to a night of faith, fellowship and fun. The women gather about five times a year in the evening. Each time there is a theme and often a...


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