“As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)
Funeral Luncheon
Our funeral luncheon ministry serves our grieving families by offering a luncheon following the funeral of a loved one. The meal is prepared and served by our Parishioners. Even if you work outside the home, you too can contribute food to funeral luncheons. The committee works with you to arrange for delivery of food items if you cannot be at the lunch. Servers are also needed.

What They Do
The mission of our funeral luncheon ministry is to serve the family and friends of the deceased members of our parish family by providing a luncheon following the funeral.
- Food Donations: Volunteers are asked to prepare a 9×13 disposable serving dish or make a donation to serve at least 12 people. If you do not bring a disposable serving dish, please mark your dish clearly on the bottom. Food donations may be dropped off to the parish center kitchen as early as 7:00 a.m.
- Servers: This includes set up, serving during the luncheon and clean up. The time commitment is anywhere from 4-4 1/2 hours depending on the funeral. We need four-five servers per funeral luncheon.
How to volunteer
Fill out the form below to be put on our volunteer list. Luncheon coordinators use the website, Sign Up Genius (www.signupgenius.com), for food donations. Volunteers will be emailed a link to sign up as soon as possible following the notification that a luncheon is requested. Servers will be contacted by the coordinators.
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul Society is dedicated to aiding the poor in our parish and area. They are active year round and depend on donations from our parishioners.
What They Do
The St. Philomena Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) coordinates needy family coverage with other Peoria parish SVdP conferences. We use a central phone helpline for families to request assistance. Our conference covers about ten square miles in the heart of Peoria. The surrounding nearly 50 miles of Peoria is served by five other conferences. We collaborate with other local agencies so the funds are collectively used in the most effective and efficient manner. Our home visit teams ascertain the needs of each family. We keep records on every family visited, their needs, and assistance provided.
Time Commitment
Serves the community year-round, which requires monthly meetings, plus home visits to those who need assistance.
For More Information
If you have a few hours a month available to help with our ministry to needy families in our community, fill out the form below or call Rhonda Parker in the parish office, 309-682-8642, ext. 2112. Rhonda will contact us, and one of our members will call to answer questions and provide more details.
For more information on how all parish-based SVdP Conferences in central Illinois help the poor, please go to the web site https://svdpsocietypeoria.org, or St.Vincent dePaul Society – Peoria, IL on Facebook.
Church Cleaning
There are several volunteer teams that clean our church on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Saturdays. Pick a day that works best with your schedule and join us once-a-month to clean our beautiful church.

What They Do
We dust and clean the statues, altar, pews and windows to keep the church looking its best. No vacuuming or cleaning bathrooms, no heavy lifting.
Time Commitment
Takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours, typically once-a-month.
Card Ministry
Help us build community by reaching out to others.
What They Do
Card ministry is for parishioners (high school age and older) who are interested in helping us build relationships and community. We’ll come together and send cards to families for occasions like baptisms and marriages, to welcome new families and send condolences to those who have experienced a loss. And who knows, we could add lots of different reasons and occasions if many people get involved. We will provide cards and ideas for scripture passages that can be used, you can also write a prayer for the family in the card.
Time Commitment
The group will meet once-a-month. This is a new ministry and exact dates and times are still being developed.
For More Information
Contact the parish office at parish@stphils.com or 309-682-8642, or fill out the form below.
Men’s Club
The primary goal of the Men’s Club is to promote service, fellowship and fun among the men of our parish. Membership is open to all men from the parish ages 18 and older. For details about the club or to read the most recent newsletter, click on View More to the right.

Click here for the most recent newsletter.
Who They Are
Officers 2024-25: stphilsmensclub@gmail.com
Mike Higgins, President: 630-330-7557
Jim Akers, Vice President: 309-208-2359
Albert Tony, Treasurer: 309-412-6518
What They Do
The Men’s Club plans numerous social events throughout the year, assists other parish organizations with fundraisers, helps with general maintenance and repair of parish properties and raises money for the parish.
They also raise money to fund parish needs, offering grants to the church and to the school. The Men’s Club fundraisers are their annual Smoker in February, Golf Outing in May and annual memberships.
When They Meet
Typically, monthly meetings take place from September through May in the parish center banquet room at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The club hosts beginning and end-of-year social events. Meetings will be announced in the bulletin, after Mass, here on the website, via email and social media channels.
Meeting schedule for 2024-25:
- Thursday, September 5: Opening steak fry dinner (Please RSVP!)
- Thursday, October 3: Wild Game Feed dinner
- Thursday, November 7: Bring a Friend!
- Monday, December 16: Decorate the church
- Thursday, January 6: Smoker Preparations
- Sunday, February 16: Smoker in school gym
- Wednesday, March 12: St. Paddy’s Day warm-up (off site)
- Monday, April 7: NCAA viewing/Chili Cook Off
- Friday, May 2: Golf Outing & dinner
- Wednesday, May 21: Closing steak fry dinner
Membership is open to any man from a registered St. Philomena family ages 18+ and out of high school. We also accept men from neighboring parishes that do not have an active Men’s Club. Dues are $10/year or $125 for a lifetime/one-time membership. If you have questions, fill out the contact form below, contact the parish office or any of the officers listed above. To join and pay online, click here.