Christian Life

Parental Notice of Abortion Law

Parental Notice of Abortion Law

Posted by chadmin

The following letter was received from the Catholic Conference of Illinois.  It's back. For the past three years, we have fought legislation repealing the state's Parental Notice of Abortion law.  This past spring, we prevented a vote, but the pressure is ramping up again. In the upcoming Veto session that begins on October 19, the legislature could consider a bill...

Pastor’s Letter & October 3 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & October 3 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The October 3 bulletin is now available online.  Dear friend, What a beautiful September we enjoyed. I always enjoy the weather change into the fall, and not just because Bears football begins again. We’ve been really blessed with a nice transition of weather this year. I hear the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a lot of snow this year. We will...

Pastor’s Letter & September 19 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 19 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September 19 bulletin is now available online.  Dear friend, This weekend we read one of those Gospel passages that has significance to every day and age. The first sin, the sin of Adam and Eve, was one of pride. Adam and Eve were tempted to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. By eating of...