Christian Life

eNews: February 6, 2019

eNews: February 6, 2019

Posted by chadmin

First Wednesday confessions are today, February 6, from 5-6pm. February Dinner Out for St. Philomena School is Monday, February 11 from 5-8pm at Donnelly's, 4501 N Rockwood, Peoria. Start a "Tiger Tab" and 10% of your order will be donated back to St. Philomena School. The annual Kelly Needham Memorial Blood Drive is Saturday, February 23 in the parish center...

eNews: February 21, 2019

eNews: February 21, 2019

Posted by chadmin

The annual Kelly Needham Memorial Blood Drive is Saturday, February 23 in the parish center banquet room from 8am-12pm. To make an appointment, contact the parish office during regular hours or go to and type in the sponsor code STPHILS. Help is needed at the February 23 blood drive. Go to to sign up. Would love some junior...

Pastor’s Letter: February 3, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: February 3, 2019

Posted by chadmin

I hope everyone kept warm this past week! It was hard to believe how cold the temperature and wind-chill was this week. We were out of school on Wednesday and Thursday, mostly for safety concerns with kids traveling to and from school. As I write this, our building and heat worked well despite the temperatures. The days off school disrupted...


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