Christian Life

eNews: July 31, 2019

eNews: July 31, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Fall sports (soccer, golf, cross country, girls basketball) registration for St. Philomena School is still open. Register and pay online at Soccer is open to registered parishioners of St. Philomena Parish who do not attend St. Philomena School. This only applies to soccer. Boys in grades 5-8 enrolled in St. Philomena School: baseball tryouts are Monday, August 5 at...

eNews: July 24, 2019

eNews: July 24, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Our Lost and Found bin is overflowing and we will soon need to empty the bin. Please take a look and claim anything that might be yours: reading glasses, books, mittens, hats, toys, children’s toys, prayer books…. Tiger Nation 5k/1mile Walk/Run has been cancelled due to estimated costs. If you previously registered and paid online, your payment will be refunded....

Pastor’s Letter: July 28, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: July 28, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, This weekend, the Church gives us the passage of the Lord’s Prayer for reflection. The prayer is called the “Lord’s Prayer” as it was spoken by Jesus in response to a request to teach on prayer. “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed by your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us...


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