Pastor’s Letter: October 6, 2019
Posted by chadmin
Dear friend, This week we again read from St. Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy. Paul reminds Timothy that he received the gift of God through the imposition of Paul’s hands. This is a reference to the Ordination Rite and a reminder for Timothy that he is an ordained priest. “God did not give you a spirit of cowardice but rather...

6th Graders Support St. Jude Families
Posted by chadmin
The 6th graders from St. Philomena School are reaching out to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to share our time, talent and treasure in service to their families. The hospital is in need of Waiting Room Kits for the kids and Care Bags for their families. They have asked us to collect and package the following items. Waiting Room Kits:...

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: September 29, 2019
Posted by chadmin
Dear friend, Last weekend I gave the annual financial and pastoral update to the parish. Every parish is required each year to send reports to the Diocese on the status of the parish. Each Diocese sends those reports to the conference of bishops for the United States. This allows for some accurate understanding of the state of the Church in...
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