Christian Life

Novena of Fulton J. Sheen

Novena of Fulton J. Sheen

Posted by chadmin

In response to the postponement of the Beatification of Fulton J. Sheen, Bishop Jenky has asked the faithful to participate in a special nine day novena to "petition God unceasingly" that the Cause may move forward to the Beatification and Canonization of Fulton Sheen. The Novena will start on Thursday, December 12. Follow the link at the end of this...

Pastor’s Letter: December 15, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: December 15, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, This Sunday the Church celebrates Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent. “Gaudete” a Latin word meaning rejoice is the first word of the Latin entrance antiphon for Sunday’s Mass. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.  Indeed, the Lord is near.” Philippians 4:4-5. These words of St. Paul which exhort us to rejoice, invite us...

Pastor’s Letter: December 8, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: December 8, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Advent is a time to remember and live the importance of preparing for our eternal encounter with God. The Scriptures offer advice on this form of preparing. No matter the day or hour, we know we will die. Our faith reveals some very simple realities: God exists, God created us equal in His image and likeness, God invites...