Pastor’s Weekly Letter: October 21, 2018
25 Oct 2018 | Posted by: chadmin
Dear friends,
I had a nice vacation last week. I went to Miami with my father, sister and brother-in-law. We spent some time on the beach, ate some good food, and attended the Bears-Dolphins game. Although the Bears did not win, we had a great time overall. Thanks for the prayers.
As Catholics, the month of October gives us the opportunity to focus on the importance of Mary to Christianity. The Rosary is one of the great gifts offered to the Church to invoke the intercession of Mary. The Rosary is a simple yet powerful prayer. Many saints have invoked Mary’s intercession, but meditating on the mysteries of the Christian faith. The Our Father and the Hail Mary, prayers with Biblical roots, articulate belief in God and the importance of petitioning God’s assistance. Countless resources explain the method of praying the Rosary and the spiritual benefit to contemplating the mysteries of Jesus. During the final weeks of October, make the effort to pray the Rosary or to learn to pray the Rosary. It is a great gift to the Church.
Last week, Mark Buettner, a parishioner at St. Philomena, was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer. Mark and his wife Pamela are praying for a miraculous healing through the intercession of Fulton J. Sheen. Please join us in prayer through the intercession of Fulton Sheen. When a parishioner receives such devastating medical news, it is understandable that so many want to help. In this time, the Buettners are asking for prayer. The prayer the family is saying is included below. The Buettner family asks we join them daily in saying this prayer. If you would like to financially assist the family, a GoFundMe page was established to help with the many medical bills to come. You can reach the page at the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/please-help-the-buettner-family?member=939458
Eternal Father, You alone grant us every blessing in Heaven and on earth, through the redemptive mission of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and by the working of the Holy Spirit. If it be according to Your Will, glorify your servant, Fulton J. Sheen, by granting the favor I now request through his prayerful intercession – for the complete, miraculous physical and spiritual healing of Mark Buettner. I make this prayer confidently through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Venerable Fulton Sheen, Pray for Us!
God bless you,
Father David
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