Pastor’s Weekly Letter: November 18, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: November 18, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: November 18, 2018

16 Nov 2018 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friends,
A Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I have always loved the Thanksgiving holiday. Not only is it a time to be with our loved ones in celebration of family and friends, but it is also an opportunity to eat and watch football. =)  The Bears play Thanksgiving day this year, so that will make it a little more fun at our family home. The Thanksgiving holiday carries deep significance for our American culture. In every day and age, there are aspects of life for one to be thankful. As Catholic Christians, we are called to reflect on a spirit of thanksgiving at every Mass we attend. The Lord Jesus showed His love for humanity by laying down His life. He calls us to receive this gift by giving Him time, with a thankful heart, by our participation at Mass. The “Sunday Obligation” in Catholic Christianity is really the minimum way God wants us to give our time to Him. His Real Presence in the Eucharist feeds us at every Mass. But God truly desires to be close to us every single day. We may not think of it this way, but we have control on how much time we give to God. Just like any relationship in our lives, it doesn’t grow without time. I think the best opportunity we have to spend time with Jesus is in our Parish Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. Eucharistic Adoration is an extension of the Mass and an invitation into a deeper intimacy with Jesus. If you don’t have a key, you are welcome to receive a key from our parish office during normal working hours. May all our hearts grow in thanksgiving this week.

The Giving Tree ornaments are out this weekend. We have two trees in the parish center link. If you take an ornament, please follow the directions for when to return the gift. There are different types of ornaments. Some ornaments benefit St. Philomena families, some are to support those who benefit from our local Catholic Charities, and some benefit clients of the Women’s Care Center. Thanks for your participation.

We held our annual school auction last Saturday. Once again it was a great event for those present and as a fundraiser for the school. I am so thankful for the efforts of everyone involved in the auction. Only those who have worked or organized an auction understand how much time, effort and resources it takes for a successful event. I am so deeply thankful for all who participated in any way. Another one of those St. Philomena events that makes me grateful to be at this parish. From the band, to the food, to the decorations, to auction items, to the countless volunteer hours; this year’s auction was once again a community-building event. Thanks!

God bless you,

Fr. David