Pastor’s Weekly Letter, May 14, 2020
14 May 2020 | Posted by: chadmin
May 14, 2020
Dear friend,
We are all feeling the absence of gathering for public Mass. The Bishops of Illinois have communicated with the Governor a process to step toward communal Mass. At this time, we are permitted to have 10 people present in the church building for a wedding, funeral or baptism. With these limitations, the Bishops are mindful that the majority of Catholics remain separated from the Holy Eucharist. In their desire to bring the gift of the Eucharist to the faithful, the distribution of the Eucharist outside the church building is now permitted. A video with instructions will be available for parishioners on YouTube and Facebook. Please refer to the video for more detailed instructions. For this communication, please know that Communion will be available to you in our main parking lot after the 8am Mass, 4:30pm Mass on Saturday, and at 9am and 11am on Sunday. Please consider the following thoughts in preparation for receiving Communion.
The Mass consists of two main parts, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Word exists to prepare our minds and hearts for the reception of Communion. For this reason, I will distribute Communion after the 8am morning Masses, outside in the parking lot. On Saturday, I will pray the Vigil Mass at 4:30pm and then distribute Communion after Mass. On Sunday, the Mass will be prayed at 8am. Communion will be distributed at 9am and 11am. Parishioners are not currently permitted to enter the church for Mass. The church doors remain locked. Each of the Masses will continue to be broadcast on YouTube and Facebook. If you want to lineup and park in the parking lot to participate in the Mass, watching on your mobile device, you are welcome to do so. I will come outside with the Eucharist after Mass. If you prefer to pray Mass at home, you are welcome to then drive to St. Philomena to receive Communion. I will distribute Communion as long as people are present. This process will begin on Friday, May 15, 2020. Please visit our YouTube channel or Facebook video page for further details.
This Sunday, we read that Jesus said to his disciples, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth.” The Advocate, or the Holy Spirit, is sent by God in order that God might be within us. God, the Holy Spirit, is the truth that guides us to understand the commandments and desire to live the Christian life. A life of prayer is a submission of one’s will to God’s Will that we might become more like God each day. May the Spirit we received at baptism and confirmation not only remind us that He is always with us, but also that we truly have an Advocate to help us in every life situation. May we deepen our love and thanksgiving for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Have a great week.
God Bless,
Fr. David
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