Pastor’s Weekly Letter: January 20, 2019

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: January 20, 2019

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: January 20, 2019

18 Jan 2019 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friend,

There is one Gospel of Jesus Christ. The “good news” or the gospel, is recorded in four different texts in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Four Gospels are the same truth, but each writer emphasizes different aspects of Jesus’ teaching. One such example is that in the Gospel of John, there are no “miracles,” but “signs.” While the result of a miracle or sign performed by Jesus is the same, John wants the Gospel reader to understand that signs point to the reality that God is with us. John records only seven signs or miracles in his Gospel, as opposed to the numerous miracles recorded in the other Gospels. Each of the signs points to a specific aspect of God’s presence and power.

This Sunday we read the story of the sign at the wedding in Cana. There are many beautiful aspects to this story. The most important communication takes place between Jesus and Mary. Mary notices the wine running out and fears embarrassment for the couple. She approaches her son Jesus for a fix to this embarrassment. The response of Jesus is important. Jesus replies that he would rather not engage the situation as his “hour” had not yet arrived. The “hour” of Jesus, in John’s Gospel, is revealed as the crucifixion. By doing this sign, Jesus points to not only his public revelation as a miracle worker, but also to the cross. At the time of the Passion, Jesus tells his apostles that his “hour” has arrived. The “hour” of his suffering, of salvation and forgiveness. As Jesus changes the water from the Jewish ceremonial washings into wine, He marks that transition from the liturgical practice of the Old Testament to his new teachings. This transition involves the call to love God and neighbor, to a new sacrificial covenant established in the Eucharist. The “signs” in John’s Gospel point to deeper and deeper realities of God’s love and presence recorded in the Gospel. May these words of John challenge us to look deeper for the presence of Jesus in each of our lives.

God bless you,

Father David