Pastor’s Letter & September 12 Bulletin
10 Sep 2021 | Posted by: chadmin
The September 12 bulletin is available online.
Dear friend,
The reading from the Gospel of Mark this weekend records a relatively normal life conversation but with profound significance for the early Church. Jesus asked his followers, “Who do the people say I am?” This is a common question many of us have asked family and friends. What are people saying about me? What do people think about this or that? There are many reasons people seek information about what the world says or thinks. In a prideful way, people can be concerned about what others think in order to gain approval or adjust behavior to meet the wants of others. We can have a serious interest into what others perceive as an opportunity for growth. Often those closest to us see our potential growth areas much better than ourselves. Having a listening spirit to real constructive conversations can be extremely beneficial.
The conversation Jesus has with his disciples is not about Him, but about everyone else. Jesus allows His disciples to process with Him all that they are hearing discussed in the countryside. We can imagine the interesting conversations the Apostles had with those trying to make sense of the words and miraculous power of Jesus. By proposing this question to the Apostles, Jesus gives them not only the opportunity to reflect on the community gossip, but to also make a statement of faith themselves. Whereas we might ask what people are saying about us for insight, Jesus asked the question to let others get insight into Him. After replying with a litany of comments the Apostles heard about Jesus, Peter confidently professes Jesus to be the Christ, the anointed one, the Messiah. The Spirit of God revealed this truth to Peter over a period of time which allowed him to profess his faith, even in the midst of future doubts and struggles. This is a challenge we all face in life.
One of the little (or not so little) maintenance projects on campus is at the playgrounds. Over time, the chips break down from the wear and tear and general weather conditions. Every few years we need to add playground approved woodchips to the play areas. The thicker the chips, the safer the play areas become as fall areas for the kids. The process of spreading some woodchips seems like it’d be a simple one; but, with the size of the area and the manner of delivery, it becomes a day-long project. This picture shows the guys at work and the skid-steer loader to spread the chips. I hope that this round will last us several years.
The Sacraments of the Church are the ordinary means by which we believe God helps us through this life. The day-to-day sustenance of God’s gift of grace comes through the sacraments. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the ordinary way for adults to join the Church and receive the Sacraments. As we approach September, we are beginning plans for a new class. We will have an informational night and introduction to the RCIA process on Tuesday, September 14 at 6:30pm. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in receiving the Sacraments, please contact us to register or with any questions. You can email the parish office at The RCIA class is for those who are not Baptized that would like to receive Baptism, for Baptized Christians that want to become Catholic, and for Baptized Catholics who have not received Confirmation. Please feel free to reach out to us if you are interested.
God bless,
Father David
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