Pastor’s Letter: May 26, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: May 26, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: May 26, 2024

24 May 2024 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friend,

Last Saturday, Bishop Lou announced his decisions on the Growing Disciples Pastoral Plan. This two-year strategic assessment resulted in the announcement of newly formed parishes and new clergy assignments. St. Philomena Church is not asked to combine with another church to become a new parish, but was given new clergy assignments. As you hopefully know by now, I am assigned as Pastor to Epiphany in Normal. Fr. Luke Spannagel is assigned as Pastor to St. Philomena. Fr. Daniel Dionesotes will remain the Parochial Vicar at St. Philomena. Fr. Luke has lived at St. Philomena for two years as he has served the parishes in downtown Peoria and served the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as a traveling preacher for the National Eucharistic Revival. In two years, Fr. Luke has done 100 different missions and retreats on the Eucharist throughout the country. This past Lent, Fr. Luke offered a mission at St. Philomena. I know Fr. Luke is looking forward to a bit of stability at St. Philomena and to serve this wonderful parish community.

I’ve known about my move for some time. It’s allowed me to grieve the move a bit and really think through what is best for St. Philomena in the transition. While the transition for me to Epiphany and Fr. Luke to St. Philomena involves a lot of details, I am confident in a smooth transition and a healthy church and school at St. Philomena for the future. On Wednesday morning, Fr. Luke and I walked through every classroom of school. It gave me the opportunity to say goodbye and tell the kids I love them, as well as for the kids to see Fr. Luke. The kids were very comforted that Fr. Luke is a Bears fan like me JAlthough, Fr. Luke is a Cardinals fan and not a Cubs fan. No one is perfect!

Fr. Luke and I have been friends for 25 years. We have shared many experiences in the priesthood over the years. I am completely confident in his leadership skills and I know that his personality will be a great fit at St. Philomena Church and School. It will be a challenge for me to move to a new parish, but I can’t think of a better Pastor and priest for St. Philomena. You will soon know that he will be a great support to the St. Philomena community. In my 18 years at St. Philomena, Fr. Luke has moved nine times. I am so excited for him to be able to set some roots in this awesome community and pray with you for many years to come.

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with the announcement of my move last weekend. As I said last weekend, people have been telling me for years that they heard a rumor I was moving that year. As with all years, I heard a few recently. They all just guessed correctly this time. All involved in the clergy moves clearly kept things quiet as my move was a surprise to so many. Thank you for all the texts and emails expressing heartfelt sentiments.  When you get to serve as a priest in one place for so long, you truly become part of not only the parish family, but individual families as well. I feel the grief that many of you feel. I will miss you all greatly and love you deeply. We will have plenty of time to say parting words before July 1, but I will still be close by and will visit from time to time. Fr. Luke is one of my best friends. He has visited me at St. Philomena for 18 years, I certainly will be coming here to visit him. Have a great week!

God bless,

Father David