Pastor’s Letter: March 31, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: March 31, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: March 31, 2019

29 Mar 2019 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friends,

Bishop Daniel Jenky came to St. Philomena this past Tuesday to give the sacrament of confirmation to our 8th graders. Fifty-nine students presented themselves before the bishop. This sacrament has deep significance for us, not only because of the sealing of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but also because of the renewal of the baptismal vows. Before one can be baptized or confirmed, one has to make a profession of faith. One has to want to receive what the Church gives through the sacraments. As an infant can’t make an act of faith, the Church allows parents and godparents to make the profession on his or her behalf. Just as parents can feed, clothe, and house their kids, so can parents take on the responsibility to raise their children in the faith. This need is even more prevalent today. The Catholic Church has education as its principal ministry because it is essential to propose Jesus to the world. We run a school at St. Philomena to provide a safe environment where our kids can grow in body, mind, and spirit. Preparation for heaven is the ultimate test of life. Parents are called to do their best to put the education in the faith as the most important education one will receive in life. Some of our greatest saints were illiterate. Certainly we are all about using all of our God-given gifts to the best of our abilities; but, if we serve ourselves or the world first, all efforts in this world lose eternal significance.

After the confirmation Mass was completed, I had some conversation time with Bishop Jenky. The Bishop said how much he likes coming to St. Philomena. He said “the people here really like each other.” He talked about the responsiveness at Mass, the reverence people have at Communion; but mostly how much people seem to get along. He said it’s not this way in every church he goes. I thought I’d just let you know that your Bishop recognizes the spirit of love and faith at St. Philomena. It truly is a compliment to the community as a whole, as the culture of the community fosters the kids that come to school, how we pray, love and forgive. It is always nice to have the bishop pray Mass at St. Philomena, but it is especially nice to know that he was spiritually fed as he came to care for us.  Congratulations to all of our confirmands and heartfelt gratitude to all our teachers, aides, administrators and office staff at our school and church. It takes everyone to create and maintain a culture that our bishop could identify and articulate in such a beautiful way, after just a one-hour confirmation Mass. May our faith in Jesus Christ and our love for each other continue to guide our daily words and actions.

God bless,

Father David