Pastor’s Letter: December 3, 2023
1 Dec 2023 | Posted by: chadmin
Dear friend,
This weekend marks the beginning of the Advent Season. This time of waiting for the Lord inspires us to build our patience. It is very easy for us to get accustomed to receiving what we want in a timely manner, but it is not always the case with God. God knows that spiritual growth takes place in the human heart when we have to wait for deeper understanding. The twofold preparation in Advent is about preparing for the final coming of Christ and remembering the first coming at Christmas. All of the Christian mysteries begin with the Birth of Christ and they certainly will culminate with the Last Judgment. This season thus has the feel of waiting. We wait for all sorts of things in life. The world waited for the Messiah to come, which we believed happened in the Birth of Christ. We wait for appointments, social gatherings, personal celebrations, retirement, and certainly, we wait for heaven. The challenge of the Advent Season is to see our waiting as having eternal significance. No matter what the life situation, we wait in peace knowing the fullness of God will be revealed to us. The confidence we have in our God should inspire us to see every day as an opportunity to live toward eternal fulfillment.
This Advent we will say an additional daily Mass at 5:30 pm to help the community spiritually prepare for Christmas. We are hopeful this additional Mass time and daily Confessions at 5 pm will allow more in the community to receive the Church’s sacramental blessings.
Friday is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. We will have our typical 7 and 8 am morning Masses, a school Mass at 9 am and an evening Mass at 5:30 pm. There will be a Mass on Thursday at 5:30 pm for the vigil. Have a great week.
God bless,
Father David
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