Pastor’s Letter & December 20 Bulletin
18 Dec 2020 | Posted by: chadmin
The December 20 bulletin is posted online.
The 75th anniversary ornaments are available in the office for $20 from 8am-4pm, Monday-Wednesday this coming week.
There are openings to attend Mass on Christmas morning at 7:30am, 9am and 11am. Please make your reservation if you wish to attend.
Dear friends,
On this 4th Sunday of Advent, we enter our final preparations for the celebration of Christmas. The miracle of the Nativity inspires awe in we the faithful. The fact that the infinite God would enter into the created world in order to save us from sin and death, proves that God will do anything to help us choose His love over anything else. The “spirit of Christmas” is often described as the peaceful feeling of charity. The desire to do good for others just because it’s good for them. The Scriptures reveal to us that this is love. The process of willing the good for another, simply for their good. Almost every spiritual growth in the human heart happens when we think of what another needs from us. Does someone need an apology? Does someone just need us to start the conversation by admitting our own fault or role, even when we didn’t initiate the problem? Does someone simply need a phone call or a communication that he or she matters to our lives? There are countless charitable works that can be done on any given day.
While the Christmas season involves the tree, the crèche, the giving of gifts, family celebrations, and decorations, the true spirit of Christmas is receiving love from God so we can offer it to another. In a year with so many changes to our lives, this Christmas we might be tempted to focus on what is different or not what we’ve grown accustomed. May the Lord grant us the grace to maintain the joy of the season and express that joy in a manner that this current climate allows. As I face the reality of not being able to host as many people in church for Christmas Mass this year, I am praying that the Christ-child will touch the hearts of our parishioners to focus on the eternal significance of the Nativity. The Birth of Christ changed the world. The Christian faith calls us to embrace the beauty of all human life. As we seek meaning and long for our normal lives to return, may the spirit of Christmas ground us in that which never changes. God. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. May the consistency of God help us focus on the true meaning of Christmas that all our words, actions and thoughts this season lead us closer to heavenly peace.
God bless,
Father David
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