Pastor’s Letter: April 3
1 Apr 2022 | Posted by: chadmin
The April 3 bulletin is available online.
Dear friend,
From this Sunday until the Easter Vigil, the Church encourages crosses and images to be covered. This liturgical action invites the faithful to focus on the final days of the Lenten Season. We are preparing to celebrate the holiest time of the Christian calendar year. The Lord’s Resurrection from the dead is the greatest miracle the world has ever seen. The Resurrection follows the self-offering of Jesus on Good Friday. It is this self-offering, this Crucifixion, that forgives humanity from sin and opens the gates of Paradise to all believers. The Christian faith is always inviting us to pay attention to the present. In this Lenten Season, we are especially invited to focus on what we celebrate, what we remember. As always, we try to focus on the words said at Mass. The prayers of the Church make statements of belief. The removal of distractions through the veils covering images and statues allows us to focus on the meaning of these days. The power of the Resurrection is celebrated for the whole octave or eight days of Easter, beginning with the Easter Vigil. The Easter Vigil holds particular significance in the Church as all those who have prayed and prepared to join the Church, will receive the Sacraments of Initiation. Please join me in praying for all those who will be receive Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. It is a time of great joy for these soon-to-be Catholics. We have 15 adults preparing to enter the Church at Easter. May their hearts be open to receive the fullness of grace the Lord wills to bestow upon them.
The Gospel this weekend is the story of the woman caught in adultery. She was brought before Jesus for him to judge her. Jesus is always the master of saying simple things with deep meaning. He who is without sin should be the first one to throw a stone in condemnation of the woman. Starting with the eldest or the wisest, the men walk away without hurting the woman. The simple point is that none of us should judge because none of us is without sin and none of us knows the whole life story of others. As we enter the final weeks of Lent, may our hearts focus on peace and understanding, that we might love and forgive like our Lord and Savior.
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of the holiest week of the year for Christians. Again, we will remember with many “signs” the power of the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Palm Sunday we will carry and hold palms to celebrate Jesus entering Jerusalem for the Passover. Holy Thursday we will remember the Last Supper, the Washing of Feet, the Institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood, as well as the Agony in the Garden. On Holy Friday we will remember and accompany Jesus to His Crucifixion. Holy Saturday we will continue our mourning to prepare our hearts for His Easter Resurrection. Other than the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus, almost every other great mystery of faith is celebrated during Holy Week. Please do your best to attend the Liturgies of the Triduum from Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday. The Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper is at 7pm on Thursday, April 14. The remembrance of the Lord’s Passion is at 3pm on Friday, April 15. The Easter Vigil is at 8pm Saturday, April 16. The Easter Sunday Masses are at 7:30am, 9am, and 11am. Have a great week!
God bless,
Father David
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