Daily Prayer
- Adoration Chapel
- Daily Readings
- Saint of the Day
Forms of Prayer
Adoration Chapel
St. Philomena's Adoration Chapel is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and all are welcome to come adore Him for any length of time. You do need a keycard to access the chapel.

Eucharistic Adoration
A consecrated host from the Mass is placed in a Monstrance, which is designed to allow the faithful the opportunity to adore Jesus Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist.
History of St. Philomena Adoration Chapel
The Perpetual Adoration Chapel was started at St. Philomena in 1994. On January 1, 2011, the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God, we opened our new Adoration Chapel. The chapel was officially consecrated by Bishop Daniel Jenky, CSC, on March 27, 2011 when he came to St. Philomena for Confirmation. We hope you find the chapel to be a simple and beautiful prayer space. The graces associated with parishes that operate an Adoration Chapel are well-founded. We are blessed by our parish family’s commitment to Adoration of Our Lord.
How I Get a Key
The Adoration Chapel is a secure building and you will need an electronic key card to enter the building. You do not have to be a member of St. Philomena Parish to check out a key card or be an adorer. Key cards are available at the parish office during regular business hours (8am-4pm, Monday-Friday; closed on Fridays in June and July). If that does not work with your schedule, please contact us at 309-682-8642 or to make other arrangements.
Perpetual Adorer
When he returned to his disciples he found them asleep. He said to Peter, “You could not keep watch with me for one hour? ” –Matthew 26:40
Perpetual Adorers commit to a regular weekly hour of prayer to adore our Lord and to pray for souls. Some people split their holy hour time with another person and they rotate every other week.
We use an online scheduling system, Adoration Pro, for our adoration schedule. If you desire to sign up for a weekly commitment to an hour of prayer or want to see our open hours, go to our adoration site The site is very simple to use, but if you’d like directions: AdorationPro directions. If you and another person want to alternate weeks at a specific hour, contact the office (309-682-8642 or with the information for both parties. It will need to be entered in the admin section of the site. There is also a way to request a substitute if you need to miss your hour.
If you have general questions about Adoration, please speak with Father Luke, Father Daniel or Jenny Witt or fill out the form below.
Adoration Chapel Form
“With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit.” -Ephesians 6:18
If you would like to pray for the intentions of our parishioners, please complete the form below. You will receive notifications via email of the list of intentions from our “Parish Prayer Chain.”
Prayer Team
We want to pray with and for you. If you or a loved one are in need of prayer and would like to be prayed with, please contact the pastor. If you would like to submit your prayer request our parish prayer team and the daily Mass will offer your prayer intentions. These can be submitted anonymously as well.