eNews: June 26, 2019

eNews: June 26, 2019

eNews: June 26, 2019

26 Jun 2019 | Posted by: chadmin

Reminder that the parish office closes at 12pm on Fridays and we will not return until Monday at 8am. Our phones will go to voice mail during that time. If it’s an emergency needing Fr. David, please follow the phone prompts for sacramental emergencies needing a priest. The office will be closed next Thursday and Friday, July 4 and 5, for the holiday.

Traveling and need to find a Mass? Visit discovermass.com to find churches and Mass times wherever you are in the USA.

There will be a Peoria Municipal Band concert outside the main entrance to St. Philomena Church on Friday, June 28. Bring your lawn chairs and picnic baskets. The concert will start at 7:00pm and lasts just over one hour. We recommend arriving before 6:30pm to allow time for parking and setting up your lawn chairs. The gate at the Albany entrance to the church parking lot will close no later than 6:30pm. After that time, cars must enter from the west entrance between the school and rectory.

This weekend (June 29/30) our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection. Our participation supports the charitable work of Pope Francis as he reaches out to those who are marginalized and suffering around the globe. By supporting this collection, you join the Holy Father in bringing a little more mercy into the world. Checks should be payable to St. Philomena. Envelopes are available at the entrances. Thank you for your consideration.

St. Philomena Festival information can be found at https://www.stphils.com/school/schools-fall-festival/ Be sure to check in for information about this year’s Festival. Festival hours are: Thursday, 5-10pm; Friday, 5-11pm; and Saturday, 12-11pm.

The 2019 Festival big tent entertainment schedule is as follows: 8/8: Joe Stamm Band, 8/9: Dexter O’Neal and the Funkyard, 8/10: Jammsammich

Festival volunteer sign up has started! Be sure to get your prime time by signing up today! Use the links below or go to the Festival webpage above.

Games https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080948a5ab2aa0ff2-20191

Food Tent and Ticket Booth https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080948a5ab2aa0ff2-20192

Festival carnival ride tickets can still be purchased at pre-sale prices in the parish office, Monday-Thursday from 8am-4pm and Friday from 8am-12pm.

Interested in being a sponsor for this year’s Festival? There are several different levels: $100, $250, $500 and $1000 with donations at other levels always accepted. For details, please contact Jim LeFante at jlefante@yahoo.com.



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