eNews: June 12, 2019
12 Jun 2019 | Posted by: chadmin
Thank you for your support of Sophia’s Kitchen. We know that our request for help was last minute, but your response was fantastic. We brought down eight boxes of food to help stock their pantry and the special collection brought in $4,682.46 for them to use as needed. If you’d like to provide additional support through donations or volunteering, please contact the Kitchen directly at 309-655-1578.
If you are an Amazon shopper, consider using the URL smile.amazon.com/ch/37-0794772. It’s the same as shopping on the “regular” Amazon, except AmazonSmile then donates to St. Philomena Church & School. Don’t forget to purchase your Amazon Scrip, too. Amazon Scrip works on AmazonSmile.
Would you and your family like to take up the gifts at the offertory during weekend Mass? If you attend the 4:30pm, 9am or 11am Mass and are interested just stop and see an usher on the way in or sign up in the offertory binder located in the main vestibule of church. If the Mass intention is for a family member or friend it’s a nice way to participate as well.
Traveling and need to find a Mass? Visit discovermass.com to find churches and Mass times wherever you are in the USA.
There will be a Peoria Municipal Band concert outside the main entrance to St. Philomena Church on Friday, June 28. Bring your lawn chairs and picnic baskets. The concert will start at 7:00pm and lasts just over one hour. We recommend arriving before 6:30pm to allow time for parking and setting up your lawn chairs. The gate at the Albany entrance to the church parking lot will close no later than 6:30pm. After that time, cars must enter from the west entrance between the school and rectory.
Uniform sale drop off boxes are located inside the doors of school and in the parish center link. Items accepted: St. Philomena uniforms, school shoes, book bags, spirit wear, sports uniforms (soccer shirts, etc), sports equipment. Please be sure to put your name on your donation bag so you get the chance to shop the sale early. Sale will take place in July in the parish center basement. Questions, contact Mandy Meier 369-8940.
What is Scrip? Basically, Scrip is a gift card fundraising program. We purchase gift cards at a discount from vendors. Each vendor offers a different discount to the Scrip program. You buy the gift card for full price from St. Philomena. Our profit is the difference between that full face value and what we actually paid the vendor. It is that simple. Our vendor list includes grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, pharmacies, “big box” retail stores, department stores, hardware stores and more! Some cards can even be reloaded online and used over and over again. Cards can be purchased in the parish office during regular hours or after weekend Mass, except 7:30pm Sunday. Stop by and see us to find out more or make your
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