eNews: February 19, 2020
19 Feb 2020 | Posted by: chadmin
Our next Women’s Night is today, February 19 from 7-8:30pm in the parish center. Join us for fellowship with some Mardi Gras flair before Lent arrives. We’ll enjoy some sweets, chocolate and a little wine! Want to finish off that chocolate or sweet with others before giving it up for Lent? Bring it to share!
Kelly Needham Memorial Blood Drive will be Saturday, February 22 from 8am-12pm at in the St. Philomena banquet room. To sign up to give blood, go to www.redcrossblood.comand enter the sponsor code: STPHILS or contact Rhonda Parker in the parish office. We are about 30 slots short of where we need to be for our goal. Please sign up and invite a friend today.
Looking for some help at the Blood Drive. Need 1-2 people for 10am-1pm to register donors and then help pack the truck. Registration does require some basic computer work. Contact Rhonda Parker in the parish office (rhonpark@stphils.com). Junior high and high school students are welcome to help.
St. Philomena Parish offers a Montessori preschool for 3-year-old children, September-May, three days a week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We offer a program in the morning (8-11am) and afternoon (12-3pm). Admission packets are available in the parish office. Completed registration forms and deposit are due to the parish office by February 28.
Spend Fat Tuesday at our February Dinner Out for St. Philomena School: February 25 from 5-8pm at Donnelly’s Irish Pub. Let your wait staff know you would like to start a “Tiger Tab” and 15% of pre-tax/gratuity proceeds go back to SPS. Thanks, Donnelly’s!
Ash Wednesday is February 26. Mass at St. Philomena will be 7am, 8am, 9am (school Mass) and 5:30pm. See the bulletin for other Mass times in the Peoria area.
The collection on Ash Wednesday will be for the Church in Central/Eastern Europe. This collection supports the essential and unmet pastoral needs of the Church in that region. Use your Ash Wednesday envelope, special envelope at the entrances or put cash/check in the collection basket. Thank you in advance for your support. Checks should be payable to St. Philomena.
During Lent, Father David will offer an additional daily Mass at 5:30pm. From Monday-Thursday an additional confession time will be added at 6pm. On Fridays we will have Stations of the Cross at 6pm.
Join us for Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever and pick up a copy of the book, Rediscover the Saints, at any entrance of the church starting Ash Wednesday. Plus, sign up to receive a short video every day of Lent to help you become the best version of yourself: BestLentEver.com
He is waiting for you. Will you respond to His call? Join Formed for a 40-day journey of welcoming Christ’s tender love, beginning with short, daily videos from Scripture scholar, Dr. Tim Gray. Sign up at https://formed.org/lent
Fish Fry Dinners: Fridays, February 28 & March 13 from 5-7:30pm in the school cafeteria, enter through the gym doors. Carry-outs available, (call-ahead orders are not). Drinks & desserts sold separately.
New Scrip Vendor: Mercedes Restaurants. This includes Alexander’s (Peoria, Normal, Springfield & Champaign) and Famous Dave’s (Peoria, Bloomington). Cards come in $25 and $50 and our rebate is 10%. Welcome, Mercedes Group and thank you for your support!
MyParishApp: Messages, homilies, prayers, Mass times, confession times, daily readings, Catholic news & much more! Search myParish – Catholic Life Every Day in the App Store or Google Play or go to myparishapp.com. Be sure to accept notifications from the app to receive messages from the parish office.
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