eNews: December 11, 2019
11 Dec 2019 | Posted by: chadmin
Happy Birthday to Father David today, December 11.
In response to the postponement of the Beatification of Fulton J. Sheen, Bishop Jenky has asked the faithful to participate in a special nine day novena to “petition God unceasingly” that the Cause may move forward to the Beatification and Canonization of Fulton Sheen. The Novena will start on Thursday, December 12. Follow this link to the Novena online https://celebratesheen.com/novena/ We will pray this in place of the regular Christmas Novena. If you attend daily Mass, copies will be available in the church so you can participate at Mass. Thank you.
Traveling and want to find a Mass? Visit www.discovermass.com to find churches & Mass times wherever you are in the USA. See the Dec. 15 bulletin for a list of area Mass times for Christmas.
Episode 2 of the Tiger Tales podcast is now live: https://soundcloud.com/frdavidrichardson/tigertales-ep2 Hear about what’s going on in our school from principal, Jack Dippold (SPS2001).
Be sure to visit our Recent News page on the school website to keep up with what is happening at St. Philomena School: https://www.stphils.com/school/about-us/recent-news/
Engaged over the holidays? Congratulations! Visit our church website to request a meeting with Father David and learn about marriage prep: https://www.stphils.com/church/sacraments/matrimony/
Our annual Advent Penance Service will be Wed., Dec. 18 from 7-8:15pm. There will be a very brief time of prayer and reflection led by Fr. David and then several priests will be available to hear confession. Drop in child care will be offered. Other local penance services: St. Thomas: Dec. 11, 7pm; Holy Family: Dec. 11, 7pm; St. Jude: Dec. 15, 3pm; St. Vincent DePaul: Dec. 16, 6pm. To prepare for confession, a link to various examinations of conscience can be found on our website: www.stphils.com/church/faith-formation/prayers/
Scrip cards make great stocking stuffers for family and gifts for those people in your life who go the extra mile for you. Some examples of $10 and under cards are: Arby’s, Avanti’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Chipotle, Culver’s, Dairy Queen, Dunkin’, Fieldhouse, Great Harvest, Hardees, Khoury’s Cuisine, Noodles, Panera, Potbelly, Starbucks, Subway, Taco Bell, Barnes & Noble, Bath & Body, Claire’s, Cold Stone, Fannie May, Goodrich Theatres, Smoothie King. Scrip is ordered every Mon. morning and typically in the office Thurs. for pickup. Anything you want for Christmas must be ordered by Mon., Dec. 16 at 8:30am. Stop at the table in the Link after weekend Mass (not 7:30pm) or come to the office from 8am-4pm, Mon.—Fri.
St. Philomena Athletics Committee will have a ‘Maroon Out’ pack the gym night on Wed., Jan. 8, 2020. All boys teams, grades 5th-8th, will play St. Thomas. First tip is at 5pm. Please join us by packing the gym and wearing your maroon school colors to support Tiger Nation. Tiger Nation t-shirts are for sale in advance online at https://www.stphils.com/school/about-us/recent-news/ by Dec. 16. All proceeds go to buy new uniforms and equipment. Your support is needed and appreciated. This same night there will be a chili supper and silent auction in the cafeteria.
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