Category: Pastor’s Weekly Letter

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: October 21, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: October 21, 2018

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, I had a nice vacation last week. I went to Miami with my father, sister and brother-in-law. We spent some time on the beach, ate some good food, and attended the Bears-Dolphins game. Although the Bears did not win, we had a great time overall. Thanks for the prayers. As Catholics, the month of October gives us the...

Pastor’s Weekly Letter, Oct 7

Pastor’s Weekly Letter, Oct 7

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, The readings this weekend focus on marriage. Both Old and New Testaments of the Bible reveal God’s thoughts on the dignity and significance of marriage. From the moment of human creation, man and woman were made for each other, that they would not be alone and would be fruitful and multiply. God reveals Himself as a Trinity of...

Pastor’s Weekly Letter, October 14

Pastor’s Weekly Letter, October 14

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, The Church offers us some beautiful readings for reflection this week. The Bible, from beginning to end, provides the framework for the path to heaven. The New Testament reveals that Jesus Christ saved humanity from sin and eternal death by his Life, Death and Resurrection. Next to the actual work of God’s salvation, the Bible points out the...