Category: Pastor’s Weekly Letter

Pastor’s Letter & September 19 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 19 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September 19 bulletin is now available online.  Dear friend, This weekend we read one of those Gospel passages that has significance to every day and age. The first sin, the sin of Adam and Eve, was one of pride. Adam and Eve were tempted to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. By eating of...

Pastor’s Letter & September 12 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 12 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September 12 bulletin is available online.  Dear friend, The reading from the Gospel of Mark this weekend records a relatively normal life conversation but with profound significance for the early Church. Jesus asked his followers, “Who do the people say I am?” This is a common question many of us have asked family and friends. What are people saying...

Pastor’s Letter & September 26 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 26 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September bulletin is now available online. Dear friend, The readings this weekend address the sin of jealousy. Everyone has fallen victim to jealousy at some point in life. With the many aspects of human life in this world, there are so many things that can invoke jealousy. The Scripture readings give us two examples of jealousy that one might...