Category: Father David

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: November 4, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: November 4, 2018

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, As we began the month of November, we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints and the feast of All Souls. These two feasts of the Church challenge the way we live our lives and our thoughts about eternal life. The Bible is an invitation to know and love God. Our love of God impels us to love one...

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: October 28, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: October 28, 2018

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, Tuesday and Wednesday of this past week, our Bishop hosted all the priests of the Diocese for annual conferences. The annual Clergy Days are an opportunity for the priests to socialize, pray, and receive some continuing education. Most of the 100 or so priests who attended live outside the Peoria area. Many of the priests stopped by our...

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: October 21, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: October 21, 2018

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, I had a nice vacation last week. I went to Miami with my father, sister and brother-in-law. We spent some time on the beach, ate some good food, and attended the Bears-Dolphins game. Although the Bears did not win, we had a great time overall. Thanks for the prayers. As Catholics, the month of October gives us the...