Category: Father David

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: December 16, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: December 16, 2018

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, This Sunday the Church celebrates Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent. “Gaudete,” a Latin word meaning rejoice, is the first word of the Latin entrance antiphon for Sunday’s Mass. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” Philippians 4:4-5. These words of St. Paul exhort us to rejoice invite us also...

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: December 9, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: December 9, 2018

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, The month of December includes many great feasts within the Catholic Liturgical Calendar. The season of Advent begins a whole new Church year. We are invited to once again remember and celebrate all the mysteries of our faith. We celebrate over and over the Christian mysteries and feasts in order to re-experience the significance and deepen our faith...

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: November 25, 2018

Pastor’s Weekly Letter: November 25, 2018

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Over the years, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving is a celebration of our US history, our families, and has connections to our faith. As Catholics, we give thanks every time we celebrate the Eucharist. It is the nature of the Mass to “thank God” for gifts received and our...


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