Category: Father David

Pastor’s Letter: March 10, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: March 10, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Last Sunday was the annual Men’s Smoker. I am always amazed by the ease at which our community comes together to socialize and raise funds for the parish. The dedication of our parishioners to the success of St. Philomena is truly humbling. So many parishioners are willing to pitch in to help our community thrive. The crowd for...

Pastor’s Letter: March 17, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: March 17, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, This past Monday, my father and I went to the Chicago Blackhawks game. It was nice to be out of town for a bit and especially nice since they won 7-1! Always good to see your team win. The United Center was celebrating St. Patrick’s Day during the game. They gave away green fedoras as the entrance gift....

Pastor’s Letter: March 3, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: March 3, 2019

Posted by chadmin

On this 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Church provides us one of my favorite Gospel passages. The Gospel of Luke presents us with many of the great parables or stories of Jesus. I personally think more important than some of the parables or stories, are the questions Jesus asked. “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye,...


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