Category: Father David

Pastor’s Letter: April 21, 2019/Easter

Pastor’s Letter: April 21, 2019/Easter

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Happy Easter! Easter is the culmination of the life and death of Jesus. We celebrate these days as God’s love for us and the promise of eternal life. It is so important for us to put ourselves in the mind of the Apostles in those post-resurrection days. They were bewildered, scared, confused, lost, tired, and afraid of the...

Pastor’s Letter: April 14, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: April 14, 2019

Posted by chadmin

This weekend we enter Holy Week. Everything we celebrate as Christians relates in one way or another to this week. We are encouraged to deeply reflect on His Life, His Death, and His Resurrection. Holy Week represents a culmination to the Lenten journey. Every year, Lent takes on a little more or a little different significance for me as a...

Pastor’s Letter: March 31, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: March 31, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, Bishop Daniel Jenky came to St. Philomena this past Tuesday to give the sacrament of confirmation to our 8th graders. Fifty-nine students presented themselves before the bishop. This sacrament has deep significance for us, not only because of the sealing of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but also because of the renewal of the baptismal vows. Before...