Category: Father David

Pastor’s Letter: May 19, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: May 19, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Jesus gives some instruction to His apostles in this week’s Gospel.  “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” I personally believe “love” is one of the...

Pastor’s Letter: May 12, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: May 12, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friends, Happy Mothers’ Day to all our mothers. On Friday, May 3, we celebrated our annual May Crowning Mass. The month of May is a special time to not only remember our own mothers, but also to remember the Mother of God, Mary. Mary fulfills a pinnacle role in the plan of God’s salvation. Mary’s “yes” to God allowed...

Pastor’s Letter: April 28, 2019

Pastor’s Letter: April 28, 2019

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Happy Easter!  This Sunday, the 2nd Sunday of Easter, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. The Divine Mercy celebration is at 3pm, this Sunday, April 28. We will have a Holy Hour with singing of the Divine Mercy chaplet. Several priests will be present to hear confessions and offer sacramental absolution. The message of Divine Mercy is a reminder...


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