Category: Father David

Pastor’s Letter: March 8, 2020

Pastor’s Letter: March 8, 2020

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, About a month ago, Bishop Jenky sent a letter to the pastors about the flu season. Our bishop has sent a similar letter for several years in a row. With the current concerns of the coronavirus, Bishop Jenky sent a letter to the Diocese again this week. Essentially our bishop was reiterating the points he has consistently made...

Pastor’s Letter: March 1, 2020

Pastor’s Letter: March 1, 2020

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, On this First Sunday of Lent we hear the story of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. After His Baptism, when the voice of the Father is heard identifying Jesus as the Son of God, Jesus enters the desert to pray. His forty days in the desert are a time of preparation for His ministry. Jesus spent the time...

Pastor’s Letter: February 23, 2020

Pastor’s Letter: February 23, 2020

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday and marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. While Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation, the day holds a place of reverence on the Catholic Calendar. The day allows us to enter the Lenten Season spiritually seeking God’s love and forgiveness. So many cultural, religious, and church traditions melded...


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