Category: Father David

Pastor’s Letter: July 17

Pastor’s Letter: July 17

Posted by chadmin

Dear friend, This week I was with the Junior Clergy of the Diocese of Peoria at the Sacre-Coeur Retreat Center in Henry, Illinois. The Junior Clergy are the Peoria priests ordained ten years or less. I help run a retreat for them each summer and organize some ongoing formation/education. Fr. Brett Brannen was the retreat director this week. He is...

Pastor’s Letter: July 10, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: July 10, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The July 10 bulletin is available online.  Dear friend, On this 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we read about a Jewish Scholar of the Law testing Jesus. The Gospel stories typically involve two types of classes within the Jewish community. Jesus engages and discusses the faith with the Jewish religious authority and the general populous. The Jewish religious authority are...

Pastor’s Letter: July 3, 2022

Pastor’s Letter: July 3, 2022

Posted by chadmin

The July 3 bulletin is available online. Dear friend, On this Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we read one of Jesus’ call to ministry. The sending out of the Apostles to evangelize marked the beginning of Christian ministry. In Church governance, we look at the Apostles as the first Bishops of the Church. Each Bishop has the responsibility to hand...


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