Category: COVid-19

Pastor’s Letter & October 25 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & October 25 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The October 25 bulletin is available online.  Dear friend, The Bible encourages us to reflect on the theme of stewardship. Much is entrusted to each one of us. Part of the spiritual journey is acknowledging that all aspects of our lives are a gift. The more we start from a place of gratitude, the more we deepen our understanding of...

Pastor’s Letter & October 11 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & October 11 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The October 11 bulletin is now available online. Dear friend, In his letter to the Philippians, we read this Sunday that St. Paul said “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.” He says this after discussing the need to adapt to the situation before him. He learned to “live in humble circumstances” and “to live in abundance.”...

Pastor’s Letter & September 27 Bulletin

Pastor’s Letter & September 27 Bulletin

Posted by chadmin

The September 27 bulletin is now available online.   Dear friend, Jesus speaks some strong warnings to the Jewish religious leadership in Matthew’s Gospel this Sunday. Essentially, he tells the religious leaders that sinners will get to heaven before them. Jesus first verified that the religious leadership understood the notion that actions matter more than a promise made. It is...


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