Category: Announcements

Accepting your pictures for our photo gallery!

Accepting your pictures for our photo gallery!

Posted by chadmin

We have this really fun photo gallery feature on our website. One of our favorite galleries is the Sacraments gallery. Here we can share your favorite photo from a recent ceremony where a sacrament was received at St. Philomena. If you'd like to submit a photo from a baptism, wedding, first communion or confirmation please attach it to an email...

Finding Your Fiat: October 21

Finding Your Fiat: October 21

Posted by chadmin

Finding Your Fiat is a young women's ministry at St. Philomena Parish open to girls in junior high and high school, meeting at separate times typically four or five times a year.  The mission of this ministry is to build up our Christian sisterhood, discover the art of living, be inspired by the lives of the Saints and to have...

Giving Tree 2018

Giving Tree 2018

Posted by chadmin

While we continue through the Church’s Ordinary Time, we are also aware that Advent and Christmas will soon be here. We are currently gathering names of families in our church and school family that may be in need of assistance for Christmas gifts. If you know of a family from our parish in need, please email Fr. David ( with...


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