Pastor’s Letter: June 2, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: June 2, 2024

Pastor’s Letter: June 2, 2024

31 May 2024 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friends,

Over spring break, we began removing the asbestos tile from our gym stage. During the summer, we plan to renovate the gym. This renovation will include the removal of the current gym floor, the asbestos tile underneath the floor, the removal of the bleachers and gym lights. To date, the floor and bleachers have been removed. The gym lights were replaced with new LED lights and the sound system was upgraded. Soon the gym will be closed off for the asbestos removal. While it would be difficult to prove the school is completely asbestos free, after this summer we won’t have any known asbestos in visible areas of the school. The vast majority of the asbestos was removed from the school in 2006. The final part of the project will be the installation of a new gym floor and new bleachers. As always, our Parish Finance Council continues to reinvest our finances to maintain our buildings to provide the best all-around education of our children.

The pew renovation and new kneeler project is slowly coming to a completion. This week we finished the pew installation in the Cry Room and installed the new kneelers. We have a few kneelers to install on the choir loft pews to finish the project. Thanks for the patience.

God bless,

Father David

The school faculty and staff took one last picture on the bleachers before the renovation.

Image of the new bleachers.

Image of cry room pews.