Pastor’s Letter: July 16, 2023

Pastor’s Letter: July 16, 2023

Pastor’s Letter: July 16, 2023

17 Jul 2023 | Posted by: chadmin

Dear friend,

As I stated last week, Fr. Daniel and I were on retreat this past week. The Bishop asks that the Junior Clergy, those ordained 10 years or less, gather for a retreat each summer and some days of on-going education throughout the year. I tag along to help out a bit. All of the newly ordained were present, including Fr. Patrick Wille. The days offered spiritual renewal and time to socialize with one another. Bishop Lou always joins for a day or so to offer his support, gratitude and brotherhood. Thanks for the prayers for us while on retreat.

Last Sunday, Fr. Daniel’s brother, Will Dionesotes, addressed the Sunday morning Masses about his involvement as a Focus Missionary. Focus, (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), is one of the most encouraging ministries on college campuses. Focus missionaries are not present on every college campus, but the colleges that invite missionaries receive well-formed missionaries. Our parish and school have benefitted from Focus as several staff members and parishioners are former Focus missionaries. Not only do the missionaries provide spiritual assistance to the college students, but the missionaries themselves benefit from the experience and from the formation they receive. Fr. Daniel’s brother, as a Focus missionary, is required to help fund his living expenses while being a missionary. Over the last few years, St. Philomena parishioners supported parishioner Jena Brooks during her time as a missionary. She is now married and no longer on mission. I invited Fr. Daniel’s brother to solicit support from St. Philomena for those who previously supporting a missionaries or are looking to support the growth of Catholic truth in the lives of college students. If you would like to support Will Dionesotes, please contact the parish office for his email/phone number.

The carpet installation in church is about finished. The final areas to complete are the server and priest sacristy and the vestibule and side entrances. The entrances will have a walk off carpet to help extend the life of the rest of the carpet. The most often shared comment with me is the new carpet “is so soft.” The project has turned out nicely. It is good to have that rippled carpet removed. We will be installing a shorter pew in the front left and right sides to better accommodate walkers and wheelchairs up front. Other than that, the project to renew the church flooring and restore the pews, is about finished. Thanks for all the support and patience.  Have a great week.

God bless,

Father David